Rivning av byggnader på Eriksbergsvägen, Prästvägen, Kollot och Näsudden
45110000: Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work45000000: Construction work45100000: Site preparation work
2025-02-11 Today
Reparation av städmaskiner
39713400: Floor-maintenance machines39700000: Domestic appliances39713410: Floor-cleaning machines90900000: Cleaning and sanitation services90919200: Office cleaning services90919300: School cleaning services
2025-02-12 Tomorrow
Arkivinredning till kommunarkivet i Skellefteå
39131100: Archive shelving30199500: Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles
2025-02-12 Tomorrow
Videokonferenstjänst för att kunna delta vid domstolens förhandlingar.
32000000: Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment32232000: Video-conferencing equipment
2025-02-13 2 days left
Dikesklippning med maskin
77310000: Planting and maintenance services of green areas34138000: Road tractor units
2025-02-14 3 days left
Passersystem till Loftberget
42961100: Access control system35000000: Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment
2025-02-18 7 days left
Underhåll av beläggning på friidrottsanläggning
45236100: Flatwork for miscellaneous sports installations45000000: Construction work45236000: Flatwork45236119: Repair work on sports fields45236114: Flatwork for running tracks45100000: Site preparation work45236110: Flatwork for sports fields45453000: Overhaul and refurbishment work
2025-02-20 9 days left
Allmän arkitekttävling för Guldtorget
71000000: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services71200000: Architectural and related services71300000: Engineering services71310000: Consultative engineering and construction services71311000: Civil engineering consultancy services71313000: Environmental engineering consultancy services
2025-02-21 10 days left
Digitalt beroendestöd 2025
48000000: Software package and information systems
2025-02-28 17 days left
Extern remiss, Schemaläggningssystem för elever 2025
48000000: Software package and information systems48332000: Scheduling software package48330000: Scheduling and productivity software package
2025-03-02 19 days left
Nya bufferttankar
45262600: Miscellaneous special-trade construction work90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services44611400: Storage tanks51810000: Installation services of tanks44000000: Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus)
2025-03-03 20 days left
Värme- och sanitetsservice
45300000: Building installation work45330000: Plumbing and sanitary works45331000: Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work45332400: Sanitary fixture installation work45350000: Mechanical installations
2025-03-03 20 days left
Kalkstensmjöl till doserare
24213000: Hydrated lime44921300: Limestone
2025-03-05 22 days left
Entreprenadmaskintjänster med förare
45262600: Miscellaneous special-trade construction work45000000: Construction work
2025-03-05 22 days left
Dynamiskt inköpssystem - Träd och buskar
03100000: Agricultural and horticultural products03110000: Crops, products of market gardening and horticulture03120000: Horticultural and nursery products03121000: Horticultural products03452000: Trees03450000: Tree-nursery products03451000: Plants
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt Inköpssystem avseende Verksamhetsutveckling
72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt Inköpssystem avseende Projektledning
72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem avseende arkivariekompetens
92000000: Recreational, cultural and sporting services92500000: Library, archives, museums and other cultural services92510000: Library and archive services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem avseende Sjuksköterskor
79624000: Supply services of nursing personnel85141200: Services provided by nurses
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem avseende utredare
79720000: Investigation services72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security79419000: Evaluation consultancy services
Ongoing bidding