Skotare till utbildning
Älvdalens Utbildningscentrum
16000000: Agricultural machinery
2025-01-19 Today
VA-utbyggnad Sydöstra Gotland
Region Gotland
45000000: Construction work
2025-01-19 Today
Däckhotell och däckservice
Dals-Eds kommun
50116500: Tyre repair services, including fitting and balancing34351000: Light-duty tyres34350000: Tyres for heavy/light-duty vehicles34351100: Tyres for motor cars
2025-01-19 Today
Yttre skötsel Mellerud
Melleruds kommun
77300000: Horticultural services03121000: Horticultural products45236000: Flatwork45236230: Flatwork for gardens45112700: Landscaping work45112710: Landscaping work for green areas71421000: Landscape gardening services
2025-01-19 Today
Region Värmland
85147000: Company health services
2025-01-19 Today
Möbler samt hushållsapparater till kontor, äldreomsorg och offentliga miljöer
Arvidsjaur kommun
39000000: Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products32000000: Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
2025-01-19 Today
Avgas (Aviation gasoline) UL91 till Visby Airport
Swedavia AB
09100000: Fuels
2025-01-19 Today
Däck och tillhörande tjänster, ver. 3
Finspångs kommun
34000000: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation34300000: Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines34350000: Tyres for heavy/light-duty vehicles50100000: Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Kemikalier till badhusbassänger
Sundsvalls kommun
24962000: Water-treatment chemicals24900000: Fine and various chemical products24300000: Basic inorganic and organic chemicals
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Entreprenad industriområde Hogenäs hamn
Sotenäs kommun
45000000: Construction work45100000: Site preparation work45200000: Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work45220000: Engineering works and construction works45222000: Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways45232000: Ancillary works for pipelines and cables45232100: Ancillary works for water pipelines45232400: Sewer construction work45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233140: Roadworks45233100: Construction work for highways, roads45233130: Construction work for highways45233200: Various surface works45236000: Flatwork
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Ramavtal Mark- och anläggningsarbeten, Robertsfors
Robertsfors kommun
45000000: Construction work45112000: Excavating and earthmoving work45112400: Excavating work45112500: Earthmoving work45112600: Cut and fill45259000: Repair and maintenance of plant
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Ramavtal Mark- och anläggningsarbeten, Robertsfors
Umeå kommun
45000000: Construction work45112000: Excavating and earthmoving work45112400: Excavating work45112500: Earthmoving work45112600: Cut and fill45259000: Repair and maintenance of plant
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Umeå Energi AB
98336000: Training, workout or aerobic services
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Hantverkstjänster bygg, glasmästeri, måleri, mattläggning
Färgelanda kommun
45300000: Building installation work45400000: Building completion work45450000: Other building completion work45440000: Painting and glazing work
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Region Västernorrland
33155000: Physical therapy devices33196000: Medical aids37440000: Fitness equipments33141720: Walking aids33196200: Devices for the disabled
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Processkemikalier för Vattenverk
Älmhults kommun
24962000: Water-treatment chemicals
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
CF Mark- och byggentreprenad
Jönköping Energi Aktiebolag
45300000: Building installation work
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
CF Elkraftsentreprenad
Jönköping Energi Aktiebolag
45317200: Electrical installation work of transformers45317000: Other electrical installation work
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Ängelholms kommun
48000000: Software package and information systems79100000: Legal services
2025-01-20 Tomorrow
Ramavtal mekaniskt underhållsarbete vid VA-verken
Ängelholms kommun
45262680: Welding45232421: Sewage treatment works45259200: Purification-plant repair and maintenance work45259000: Repair and maintenance of plant50500000: Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery50530000: Repair and maintenance services of machinery45252200: Purification plant equipment45252000: Construction works for sewage treatment plants, purification plants and refuse incineration plants
2025-01-20 Tomorrow