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Public Procurements

Parkeringsövervakning 2025-02-10 98351110: Parking enforcement services
98351100: Car park services
98351000: Car park management services
23 days left
Drift och avhjälpande underhåll utemiljö 2025-01-30 77314000: Grounds maintenance services
77313000: Parks maintenance services
77310000: Planting and maintenance services of green areas
77311000: Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services
77312000: Weed-clearance services
77300000: Horticultural services
03121000: Horticultural products
31 days left
Familjerådgivning 2011-06-28 85312320: Counselling services
85312300: Guidance and counselling services
Ongoing bidding
Boendestöd 2015-03-10 85300000: Social work and related services
Ongoing bidding
LOV inom hemtjänst i Ekerö kommun 2019-09-02 98514000: Domestic services
85323000: Community health services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem Hyresmoduler 2020-09-11 44211000: Prefabricated buildings
45000000: Construction work
45300000: Building installation work
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisationssystem - Kommunal vuxenutbildning 2023-02-07 80400000: Adult and other education services
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisationssystem - Fastighetsnära insamling av förpackningsavfall 2023-10-24 90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
90500000: Refuse and waste related services
90511000: Refuse collection services
90512000: Refuse transport services
Ongoing bidding
DIS - Livsmedel - Säsongsvaror i mindre volymer 2025-01-10 15000000: Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
03200000: Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts
15300000: Fruit, vegetables and related products
15100000: Animal products, meat and meat products
15500000: Dairy products
15600000: Grain mill products, starches and starch products
15890000: Miscellaneous food products and dried goods
Ongoing bidding