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Public Procurements

Samordnad varudistribution 2025-02-07 63100000: Cargo handling and storage services
63110000: Cargo handling services
63121000: Storage and retrieval services
52 days left
Sjuksköterskor 2018 DIS 2018-10-25 85141200: Services provided by nurses
79624000: Supply services of nursing personnel
Ongoing bidding
DIS handledartjänster 2020-07-05 79411100: Business development consultancy services
79633000: Staff development services
80590000: Tutorial services
Ongoing bidding
DIS - Bemanningstjänster 2020-12-28 98000000: Other community, social and personal services
85310000: Social work services
79620000: Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
79610000: Placement services of personnel
Ongoing bidding
Fordon - DIS 2021-05-28 16000000: Agricultural machinery
16700000: Tractors
16710000: Pedestrian-controlled agricultural tractors
16720000: Used tractors
34110000: Passenger cars
34111000: Estate and saloon cars
34113000: 4-wheel-drive vehicles
34114100: Emergency vehicles
34114110: Rescue vehicles
34114400: Minibuses
34115200: Motor vehicles for the transport of fewer than 10 persons
Ongoing bidding
DIS Tekniska konsulttjänster - Planarkitekt/samhällsplanerare 2023-08-25 71000000: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71200000: Architectural and related services
71240000: Architectural, engineering and planning services
71300000: Engineering services
71410000: Urban planning services
Ongoing bidding
Externa boendeplatser enligt LSS 2024-12-05 85300000: Social work and related services
85311200: Welfare services for the handicapped
85320000: Social services
85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding