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Public Procurements

Släck/räddningsbilar 2025-01-09 34114000: Specialist vehicles
34114100: Emergency vehicles
34114110: Rescue vehicles
Självservice ÅVC Väse 2025-01-14 48100000: Industry specific software package
48151000: Computer control system
48810000: Information systems
42961100: Access control system
3 days left
Transport av biblioteksmedia 2025-01-15 60000000: Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
60100000: Road transport services
63110000: Cargo handling services
4 days left
Karlstadstråket Etapp 2:1:3 2025-01-16 45000000: Construction work
4 days left
HVO100 2025-01-10 09100000: Fuels
09134200: Diesel fuel
09134230: Biodiesel
7 days left
Slam och spolbil 2025-01-19 34100000: Motor vehicles
34140000: Heavy-duty motor vehicles
8 days left
Elnätsentreprenader samt felavhjälpning 130/10/0,4 kV 2025-01-27 65000000: Public utilities
65300000: Electricity distribution and related services
65320000: Operation of electrical installations
9 days left
Insamling av textilavfall 2025-01-28 90511300: Litter collection services
14 days left
Nyproduktion av kontorsbyggnad med resandefunktioner i bottenplan vid Karlstad Central 2024-12-18 45213150: Office block construction work
45210000: Building construction work
45213000: Construction work for commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial buildings, buildings relating to transport
14 days left
Brandskyddsutrustning 2025-01-31 35111000: Firefighting equipment
35111300: Fire extinguishers
44482000: Fire-protection devices
75251110: Fire-prevention services
21 days left
Eriksberg Industriområde 2025-01-17 45000000: Construction work
21 days left
Tullholmssågen etapp 4B 2025-01-31 45000000: Construction work
32 days left
LOV - Daglig Verksamhet 2019-12-11 85312100: Daycare services
85312400: Welfare services not delivered through residential institutions
Ongoing bidding
DIS - tjänstefordon och lätta lastbilar 2021-10-10 34100000: Motor vehicles
34110000: Passenger cars
34136100: Light vans
Ongoing bidding
Upphandlingskonsulter 2022-09-22 79400000: Business and management consultancy and related services
79411100: Business development consultancy services
79418000: Procurement consultancy services
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation för fastighetsnära insamling 2023-09-26 90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90514000: Refuse recycling services
Ongoing bidding
DIS - Städrobotar 2024-07-07 42900000: Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation vuxenutbildning 2024-08-21 80000000: Education and training services
80200000: Secondary education services
80400000: Adult and other education services
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation gällande omhändertagande och transport av spillfett 2024-08-23 90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90514000: Refuse recycling services
Ongoing bidding
LOV Hemtjänst 2024-10-25 98514000: Domestic services
Ongoing bidding