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Public Procurements

Ramavtal entreprenadbesiktning 2024-08-15 71600000: Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
71000000: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71315200: Building consultancy services
2 days left
Omläggning av marmongolv 2800kvm, by 52 Danderyds Sjukhus 2024-08-23 45300000: Building installation work
45400000: Building completion work
7 days left
Ramavtal Hisskonsulttjänster 2024-08-25 50740000: Repair and maintenance services of escalators
45313000: Lift and escalator installation work
8 days left
Ramavtal Miljöinventering 2024-08-27 71313000: Environmental engineering consultancy services
71313450: Environmental monitoring for construction
71313400: Environmental impact assessment for construction
9 days left
Totalentreprenad Byte styrskåp och ombyggnad UPS Handens sjukhus 2024-08-30 45300000: Building installation work
45350000: Mechanical installations
51000000: Installation services (except software)
51900000: Installation services of guidance and control systems
13 days left
Upphandling av Parkeringstjänster 2024-09-15 63712400: Parking services
28 days left
Dynamiskt inköpssystem - Kategori 1 Projektledning 2019-05-10 71530000: Construction consultancy services
71541000: Construction project management services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem - Kategori 2 Projekteringsledning 2019-05-10 71541000: Construction project management services
72224000: Project management consultancy services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem - Kategori 3 Installationssamordning 2019-05-10 71541000: Construction project management services
72224000: Project management consultancy services
Ongoing bidding