Livsmedel - Kött/chark, potatis, färska ägg, färskt bröd och kolsyrade drycker
15000000: Food, beverages, tobacco and related products15800000: Miscellaneous food products15100000: Animal products, meat and meat products15980000: Non-alcoholic beverages15110000: Meat15130000: Meat products03142500: Eggs15310000: Potatoes and potato products15894700: Delicatessen15810000: Bread products, fresh pastry goods and cakes
2025-02-21 10 days left
Lokalvårdsentreprenad - Skola, förskola, fritids och gymnasium, Mora kommun
90910000: Cleaning services90911300: Window-cleaning services90911200: Building-cleaning services90919300: School cleaning services
2025-03-14 31 days left
Dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) avseende mark- och väg-, mm -arbeten, 2017/82
45111000: Demolition, site preparation and clearance work45112000: Excavating and earthmoving work45112100: Trench-digging work45233140: Roadworks45233141: Road-maintenance works45233142: Road-repair works90620000: Snow-clearing services90630000: Ice-clearing services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) avseende möbler och inredning, 2018/49
39100000: Furniture
Ongoing bidding
DIS Socionomkonsult 2020/00097
85000000: Health and social work services85300000: Social work and related services85320000: Social services85321000: Administrative social services
Ongoing bidding
Direktupphandling - Arbetsträningsplatser för verksamheter inom Mora kommun
80590000: Tutorial services85000000: Health and social work services85300000: Social work and related services85312300: Guidance and counselling services85312500: Rehabilitation services85312510: Vocational rehabilitation services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) avseende konsulter och jurister, 2022/00058
71313200: Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services71310000: Consultative engineering and construction services71311000: Civil engineering consultancy services71311200: Transport systems consultancy services71311210: Highways consultancy services71311300: Infrastructure works consultancy services71313000: Environmental engineering consultancy services71313100: Noise-control consultancy services71314300: Energy-efficiency consultancy services71317000: Hazard protection and control consultancy services71318000: Advisory and consultative engineering services71321300: Plumbing consultancy services71321400: Ventilation consultancy services71351210: Geophysical consultancy services71530000: Construction consultancy services71600000: Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services71621000: Technical analysis or consultancy services77211000: Services incidental to logging79100000: Legal services90713100: Consulting services for water-supply and waste-water other than for construction
Ongoing bidding
Direktupphandling - Arbetsträningsplatser inom Dalarnas län
80590000: Tutorial services85000000: Health and social work services85300000: Social work and related services85312300: Guidance and counselling services85312500: Rehabilitation services85312510: Vocational rehabilitation services
Ongoing bidding