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Public Procurements

Timmerbil med fastmonterad kran - Örnsköldsviks gymnasium 2024-09-13 34000000: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
34100000: Motor vehicles
10 days left
Service av hissar, rulltrappor och motordrivna portar 2024-08-29 45300000: Building installation work
50740000: Repair and maintenance services of escalators
42416400: Escalators
42419500: Parts of lift, skip hoists or escalators
50750000: Lift-maintenance services
50530000: Repair and maintenance services of machinery
45311000: Electrical wiring and fitting work
45313100: Lift installation work
13 days left
Biathlon target system (fallmål för skidskytte) 2024-09-02 37000000: Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories
37400000: Sports goods and equipment
37410000: Outdoor sports equipment
37411000: Winter equipments
17 days left
Köp av traktor 2024-09-04 16700000: Tractors
16000000: Agricultural machinery
20 days left
Ramavtal Vårdsängar 2024-09-04 33000000: Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
33192000: Medical furniture
20 days left
Madrasser till vårdsängar 2024-09-03 39143112: Mattresses
39140000: Domestic furniture
24 days left
Nybyggnad, ombyggnad och rivning för Multihall 2024-06-29 45212000: Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants
24 days left
Vuxenutbildningar 2024-09-17 80000000: Education and training services
80400000: Adult and other education services
34 days left
DIS - IT-konsulter 2021-10-19 72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation insamling returpapper 2021-11-10 90511300: Litter collection services
90511400: Paper collecting services
Ongoing bidding
DIS-Livsmedel 2022-12-02 15800000: Miscellaneous food products
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation insamling och behandling av bygg, rivnings- och trädgårdsavfall 2022-12-01 90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90511300: Litter collection services
Ongoing bidding
DIS - Nätverksprodukter 2023-06-04 32580000: Data equipment
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation insamling av förpackningar 2023-09-19 90511300: Litter collection services
Ongoing bidding
DIS - Verksamhetsutveckling och Projektledning 2024-02-09 79411100: Business development consultancy services
79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
79410000: Business and management consultancy services
79400000: Business and management consultancy and related services
79411000: General management consultancy services
71241000: Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
Ongoing bidding