Service kylanläggningar
Lysekils kommun
50000000: Repair and maintenance services50712000: Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations50730000: Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups
2025-01-22 Today
Däck till personbilar
Lysekils kommun
34000000: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation34351100: Tyres for motor cars34351000: Light-duty tyres
2025-01-22 Today
Skötsel av gatubelysning för Munkedals, Strömstads och Tanums kommuner
Munkedals kommun
50230000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment50232100: Street-lighting maintenance services34928500: Street-lighting equipment
2025-01-23 Tomorrow
Skötsel av gatubelysning för Munkedals, Strömstads och Tanums kommuner
Strömstad kommun
50230000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment50232100: Street-lighting maintenance services34928500: Street-lighting equipment
2025-01-23 Tomorrow
Skötsel av gatubelysning för Munkedals, Strömstads och Tanums kommuner
Tanums kommun
50230000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment50232100: Street-lighting maintenance services34928500: Street-lighting equipment
2025-01-23 Tomorrow
Verksamhetssystem för Hamnadministration
Lysekils kommun
72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support48900000: Miscellaneous software package and computer systems72500000: Computer-related services
2025-01-26 4 days left
Renovering tak och balkonger, Bryggerigatan Grebbestad
Tanums Bostäder AB
45000000: Construction work45262900: Balcony work45262690: Refurbishment of run-down buildings45450000: Other building completion work
2025-01-31 9 days left
Stationstankning för Rambos verksamhet i Tanum
09100000: Fuels09134200: Diesel fuel
2025-02-05 14 days left
Chaufför till Rambos verksamhetsområden
79620000: Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
2025-02-06 15 days left
VA-Ledningar Säm - Sannäs, Tanumshede
Tanums kommun
45332000: Plumbing and drain-laying work45332200: Water plumbing work
2025-02-06 15 days left
Beläggningsarbeten och anläggningsarbeten i Lysekils kommun ver 2
Lysekils kommun
45233222: Paving and asphalting works45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works45233228: Surface coating construction work45233221: Road-surface painting work
2025-02-11 20 days left
Beläggningsarbeten och anläggningsarbeten i Lysekils kommun ver 2
LysekilsBostäder AB
45233222: Paving and asphalting works45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works45233228: Surface coating construction work45233221: Road-surface painting work
2025-02-11 20 days left
Beläggningsarbeten och anläggningsarbeten i Lysekils kommun ver 2
LEVA i Lysekil AB
45233222: Paving and asphalting works45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works45233228: Surface coating construction work45233221: Road-surface painting work
2025-02-11 20 days left
Beläggningsarbeten och anläggningsarbeten i Lysekils kommun ver 2
LEVA Vatten AB
45233222: Paving and asphalting works45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works45233228: Surface coating construction work45233221: Road-surface painting work
2025-02-11 20 days left
Beläggningsarbeten och anläggningsarbeten i Lysekils kommun ver 2
Lysekils Energi Vind AB
45233222: Paving and asphalting works45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works45233228: Surface coating construction work45233221: Road-surface painting work
2025-02-11 20 days left
Beläggningsarbeten och anläggningsarbeten i Lysekils kommun ver 2
45233222: Paving and asphalting works45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works45233228: Surface coating construction work45233221: Road-surface painting work
2025-02-11 20 days left
Beläggningsarbeten och anläggningsarbeten i Lysekils kommun ver 2
45233222: Paving and asphalting works45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works45233228: Surface coating construction work45233221: Road-surface painting work
2025-02-11 20 days left
Tillverkning och leverans av flytande färjeläge ångbåtsbryggan Lysekils kommun
Lysekils kommun
34931200: Passenger boarding bridges for ships34931000: Harbour equipment34930000: Marine equipment34000000: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
2025-02-24 33 days left
Utförandeentreprenad Vässje
Munkedals kommun
45000000: Construction work45200000: Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work45223000: Structures construction work45220000: Engineering works and construction works45230000: Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork
2025-02-28 37 days left
Kundval inom hemtjänst
Sotenäs kommun
98514000: Domestic services
Ongoing bidding