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Public Procurements

profilprodukter 2024-08-16 18530000: Presents and rewards
22000000: Printed matter and related products
22462000: Advertising material
22900000: Miscellaneous printed matter
79341000: Advertising services
79340000: Advertising and marketing services
E-arkiv som produkt med tillhörande tjänster 2024-09-06 72252000: Computer archiving services
72250000: System and support services
2 days left
Nybyggnad av utomhustennisbanor 2024-08-21 45000000: Construction work
45236112: Flatwork for tennis court
6 days left
Musikskoleutförare 2024-08-14 80000000: Education and training services
80340000: Special education services
92000000: Recreational, cultural and sporting services
6 days left
Lokalvård 2024-08-16 90919000: Office, school and office equipment cleaning services
90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
90910000: Cleaning services
90900000: Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200: Office cleaning services
90919300: School cleaning services
14 days left
Rådgivning och besiktning berg 2024-08-30 71310000: Consultative engineering and construction services
71318000: Advisory and consultative engineering services
71320000: Engineering design services
71600000: Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
71631000: Technical inspection services
15 days left
Catering 2024-09-03 55520000: Catering services
15000000: Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
55500000: Canteen and catering services
20 days left
Bostad med särskild service för barn och ungdomar enligt 9 § 8 LSS 2020-05-04 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Dagverksamhet för personer från 65 år 2020-05-04 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Hemtjänst enligt 3 kap 6 § SoL 2021-04-27 85000000: Health and social work services
98514000: Domestic services
Ongoing bidding
Särskilt boende enligt 5 kap. 5 § SoL 2021-08-16 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Daglig verksamhet enligt 9 § 10 LSS 2022-01-10 85312100: Daycare services
Ongoing bidding
Boendestöd enligt 4 kap. 1 § SoL 2022-03-25 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Ledsagarservice enligt 9 § 3 p. LSS och avlösarservice i hemmet enligt 9 § 5 p. LSS 2022-03-25 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation Vux Norrort- Kommunal vuxenutbildning 2022-04-26 80000000: Education and training services
80400000: Adult and other education services
Ongoing bidding
Familjerådgivning enligt 5 kap. 3 § SoL 2022-05-02 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Korttidsvistelse utanför det egna hemmet enligt 9 § 6 p. LSS 2022-05-24 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Korttidstillsyn för skolungdom över 12 år enligt 9 § 7 p. LSS 2022-05-24 85000000: Health and social work services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem för tekniska konsulter 2023-06-08 71000000: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
90490000: Sewer survey and sewage treatment consultancy services
90700000: Environmental services
Ongoing bidding
Dynamiskt inköpssystem avseende bostad med särskild service för barn, ungdomar och vuxna enligt 9 § 8 p. samt 9 p. LSS 2023-06-05 85000000: Health and social work services
85100000: Health services
85300000: Social work and related services
85311000: Social work services with accommodation
85320000: Social services
Ongoing bidding