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Public Procurements

Tekniska konsulter - Gata, Väg, Mark och Anläggning 2025-01-16 71311300: Infrastructure works consultancy services
71311000: Civil engineering consultancy services
71310000: Consultative engineering and construction services
2 days left
Drift och underhåll av sidospår 2025-01-23 50000000: Repair and maintenance services
50200000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment
2 days left
Lastbil & hjullastare 2025-01-19 34100000: Motor vehicles
34134100: Flatbed trucks
34144710: Wheeled loaders
6 days left
Hushållsartiklar 2025-01-24 39220000: Kitchen equipment, household and domestic items and catering supplies
13 days left
Auktorisationssystem FNI Textilavfall 2025-01-15 19620000: Textile waste
19000000: Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials
19600000: Leather, textile, rubber and plastic waste
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisationssystem för insamling av returpapper 2021-11-15 90500000: Refuse and waste related services
90511400: Paper collecting services
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisation insamling och behandling av bygg, rivnings- och trädgårdsavfall 2023-02-15 90500000: Refuse and waste related services
90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90511000: Refuse collection services
90511300: Litter collection services
90513000: Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
Ongoing bidding
Auktorisationssystem FNI förpackningsavfall 2023-10-18 90500000: Refuse and waste related services
Ongoing bidding