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Public Procurements

Ismaskin 2025-01-20 37480000: Machinery or apparatus for leisure equipment
37481000: Ice maintenance machines
3 days left
Hjullastare operationell leasing Liljaskolan 2025-01-22 34144700: Utility vehicles
34144710: Wheeled loaders
4 days left
Offentlig renhållning stadsmiljö inklusive upptagning halkbekämpningsmaterial 2025-01-23 90900000: Cleaning and sanitation services
90500000: Refuse and waste related services
34144430: Road-sweeping vehicles
90610000: Street-cleaning and sweeping services
34140000: Heavy-duty motor vehicles
34000000: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
90600000: Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services
90611000: Street-cleaning services
90612000: Street-sweeping services
7 days left
Administrativt stöd vid internationell rekrytering (Arbetstillsånd & Relocationstöd) 2025-01-29 79600000: Recruitment services
7 days left
Kraftförsörjning tunga fordon, Motståndet 4 2025-01-23 45000000: Construction work
31000000: Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
31214000: Switchgear
45300000: Building installation work
45310000: Electrical installation work
8 days left
Hyra och Tvätt persedlar Bruksbacken 2025-01-29 98310000: Washing and dry-cleaning services
98311000: Laundry-collection services
98311100: Laundry-management services
98312000: Textile-cleaning services
11 days left
Tomtebo strand etapp 1 - entreprenad 2024-12-04 45000000: Construction work
11 days left
Kompetensmatchning-/coach och språktjänster 2025-01-30 80000000: Education and training services
79600000: Recruitment services
79630000: Personnel services except placement and supply services
79632000: Personnel-training services
79610000: Placement services of personnel
79611000: Job search services
14 days left
Hydrauliska räddningsverktyg 2025-02-11 35000000: Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment
35110000: Firefighting, rescue and safety equipment
35100000: Emergency and security equipment
16 days left
Avsättning/mottagning av fast matavfall från hushåll och därom jämförbart avfall. 2025-02-05 90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
90500000: Refuse and waste related services
90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90514000: Refuse recycling services
17 days left
Utbildningsinsatser tydliggörande pedagogik 2025-02-05 80500000: Training services
80511000: Staff training services
18 days left
Ramavtal anläggningsmaskiner 2025-02-10 45000000: Construction work
45500000: Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator
45112000: Excavating and earthmoving work
45112400: Excavating work
45112500: Earthmoving work
21 days left
Ramavtal anläggningsmaterial 2025-02-11 14212200: Aggregates
14000000: Mining, basic metals and related products
14212000: Granules, chippings, stone powder, pebbles, gravel, broken and crushed stone, stone mixtures, sand-gravel mixtures and other aggregates
23 days left
Broreparation mellan Storgatan och Östermalmsleden 2025-02-12 45000000: Construction work
23 days left
Ramavtal Byggarbeten Bjurholm 2025-02-12 45000000: Construction work
45200000: Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45400000: Building completion work
25 days left
Bibliotekswebb och bibliotekssystem 2025-02-14 48160000: Library software package
72212160: Library software development services
25 days left
Avfallshämtning Umeå yttre + kranskommuner & Örnsköldsviks kommun 2025-01-24 90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
90500000: Refuse and waste related services
90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90511000: Refuse collection services
90513000: Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
90514000: Refuse recycling services
90511300: Litter collection services
90511200: Household-refuse collection services
90512000: Refuse transport services
90511400: Paper collecting services
25 days left
Nybyggnation av storkök och matsal vid Jenningsskolan 2025-01-14 45000000: Construction work
45212422: Canteen construction work
45214000: Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
45300000: Building installation work
45310000: Electrical installation work
45320000: Insulation work
45330000: Plumbing and sanitary works
45400000: Building completion work
45421151: Installation of fitted kitchens
45110000: Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
45200000: Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45210000: Building construction work
28 days left
Maskintjänster till Dåva deponi, Umeå. 2025-02-14 16700000: Tractors
43000000: Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment
43200000: Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts
43300000: Construction machinery and equipment
28 days left
Avfallshämtning Umeå C 2025-02-04 90500000: Refuse and waste related services
90511400: Paper collecting services
90511300: Litter collection services
90512000: Refuse transport services
90511000: Refuse collection services
38 days left